
data class EndpointConfiguration(val name: String, val key: EndpointConfiguration.Key, val shouldFail: Boolean, val delay: Int? = null, val dashboardOptionsConfig: DashboardOptionsConfig, val versionCode: Int, val endpointMatcher: MockzillaHttpRequest.() -> Boolean, val defaultHandler: MockzillaHttpRequest.() -> MockzillaHttpResponse, val errorHandler: MockzillaHttpRequest.() -> MockzillaHttpResponse)


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constructor(name: String, key: EndpointConfiguration.Key, shouldFail: Boolean, delay: Int? = null, dashboardOptionsConfig: DashboardOptionsConfig, versionCode: Int, endpointMatcher: MockzillaHttpRequest.() -> Boolean, defaultHandler: MockzillaHttpRequest.() -> MockzillaHttpResponse, errorHandler: MockzillaHttpRequest.() -> MockzillaHttpResponse)


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class Builder(key: String)
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value class Key(val raw: String)


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val delay: Int? = null
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