Completes the builder - returns the configuration.
Configure the presets that are available to users of the dashboard.
The block called when a network request is made to this endpoint. Note: If the value of setShouldFail causes Mockzilla to generate a failure response, then this block will not be called, instead the block specified by setErrorHandler is called.
No longer supported
The block called when a network request is made to this endpoint but Mockzilladecides to simulate a server failure.
Probability of Mockzilla returning a simulated http error for this endpoint. 100 being a guaranteed error .
Used to simulate latency: The artificial mean delay Mockzilla with add to a network request. Used alongside setMeanDelayMillis to calculate the actual artificial delay on each invocation.
Sets the human readable name of the endpoint (defaults to the value of the key
Specifies whether Mockzilla should map a network request to this endpoint.
Specifies whether Mockzilla should map a network request to this endpoint.
Controls whether calls to this endpoint should fail by default
Sets the version this endpoint is currently set to. A change in the version code will automatically clear any caches on the device associated with this endpoint.
The response which is prefilled in the Mockzilla web page.
The error response which is prefilled in the Mockzilla web page.