Register an new endpoint configuration
Register an additional log writer.
Completes the builder pattern, returning an immutable config.
Used to simulate latency: The artificial delay Mockzilla with add to a network request. Value set on individual endpoints takes priority over this value
Used to simulate latency: The artificial variance in the delay Mockzillaadds to a network request. Used alongside setMeanDelayMillis to calculate the actual artificial delay on each invocation. Set this value to 0 to remove any randomness from the delay.
Setting this to false will stop Mockzilla from using Bonjour to broadcast itself on the network Note: Broadcast is disabled in release mode regardless of this flag's value
Enable or disable release mode. See setReleaseModeConfig for more details
Setting this value to true
means the mockzilla server will only accept calls from localhost. Calls from other IPs will be blocked (including blocking the Mockzilla web interface)
Configures the level of Mockzilla's logging.
Used to simulate latency: The artificial mean delay Mockzilla with add to a network request.
Sets the port which the server will bind to. Setting port to 0
will cause the server to choose it's port auto-magically.
Sets the mockzilla release config.