Package-level declarations


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data class ClearCachesRequestDto(val keys: List<EndpointConfiguration.Key>)
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data class LogEvent(val timestamp: Long, val url: String, val requestBody: String, val requestHeaders: Map<String, String>, val responseHeaders: Map<String, String>, val responseBody: String, val status: HttpStatusCode, val delay: Long, val method: String, val isIntendedFailure: Boolean)
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data class MockDataResponseDto(val entries: List<SerializableEndpointConfig>)
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data class MonitorLogsResponse(val appPackage: String, val logs: List<LogEvent>)
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data class SerializableEndpointConfig(val key: EndpointConfiguration.Key, val name: String, val versionCode: Int, val shouldFail: Boolean?, val delayMs: Int?, val defaultHeaders: Map<String, String>?, val defaultBody: String?, val defaultStatus: @Serializable(with = HttpStatusCodeSerializer::class) HttpStatusCode?, val errorHeaders: Map<String, String>?, val errorBody: String?, val errorStatus: @Serializable(with = HttpStatusCodeSerializer::class) HttpStatusCode?)
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data class SerializableEndpointPatchItemDto(val key: EndpointConfiguration.Key, val shouldFail: SetOrDont<Boolean?> = SetOrDont.DoNotSet, val delayMs: SetOrDont<Int?> = SetOrDont.DoNotSet, val defaultHeaders: SetOrDont<Map<String, String>?> = SetOrDont.DoNotSet, val defaultBody: SetOrDont<String?> = SetOrDont.DoNotSet, val defaultStatus: SetOrDont<@Serializable(with = HttpStatusCodeSerializer::class) HttpStatusCode?> = SetOrDont.DoNotSet, val errorBody: SetOrDont<String?> = SetOrDont.DoNotSet, val errorHeaders: SetOrDont<Map<String, String>?> = SetOrDont.DoNotSet, val errorStatus: SetOrDont<@Serializable(with = HttpStatusCodeSerializer::class) HttpStatusCode?> = SetOrDont.DoNotSet)

DTO for interaction with the web portal.

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class ServiceResultSerializer<T : Any>(serializer: KSerializer<T?>) : KSerializer<SetOrDont<T?>>
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@Serializable(with = ServiceResultSerializer::class)
sealed class SetOrDont<out T>