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Repo Structure

|- fastlane.       : Build scripts and configuration
|- samples         : Sample apps demonstrating usage of Mockzilla
|- mockzilla       : The directory forming the core Mockzilla KMM module
|- mockzilla-common: Common utilities used by multiple other modules
|- mockzilla-management: A kotlin wrapper around the http apis defined in `mockzilla`
|- mockzilla-management-ui: Compose multiplatform app used to maniplulate mockzilla at runtime
|- SwiftMockzilla  : The directory forming the SPM package
|- FlutterMockzilla: The directory containing the federated Flutter plugin


All work is tracked using Github Issues. Before starting please ensure you create an Issue associated with your work if one does not exist.

Write your code!

For guidance on contributing to the Flutter packages, please checkout the Flutter README.

  1. Checkout the tests. The library is setup with TDD in mind, we recommend writing your tests first!
  2. Implement your feature/bugfix!

Testing through the demo apps.

It's a good idea to sanity check your work by using the library through the demo apps.

Open the root of this repo in Android Studio and run the samples.demo-kmm.AndroidApp or samples.demo-android targets. The KMM iOS app can also be run through XCode as normal. Note: Currently there's no way to test the Swift package locally without it first being deployed.


We use Spotless to reformat and organise all of our library code. It runs automatically on compilation so please ensure you've compiled your code before submitting a pull request.

Create a pull request

Creating a pull request will check everything compiles and runs all your tests. Once all the checks pass, we'll review your code and hopefully get it merged!


This section is specifically for Apadmi maintainers creating releases.

  1. Releases are all managed automatically. To release a new version, merge the open release pull request as described here:
  2. Deploy the release to maven central from
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